Aug 13, 2019 | Horse behaviour, horse riding, Horsemanship, horses, Instructor, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Parelli Program
If you are a dedicated student of the Parelli Program and wish to understand the architecture and basic tenants of Pat’s philosophy here is the perfect place to start. Soak and ponder these principles and if you have any questions or confusions feel free to...
Jul 4, 2019 | Horse behaviour, Horsemanship, horses, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Professional
Wonderful winter days here in Wilton, clear, cool and sunny, all the ingredients for spending time with our horses and despite the shorter days, a great time to be focused on what we are hoping to achieve with these delightful creatures. We have been really busy with...
Jun 7, 2019 | Horse behaviour, Horsemanship, horses, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Parelli Program
Make yourself a cuppa and enjoying listen to Neil’s learned experience, remember second hand gold is as good as new!
Apr 29, 2019 | Horse behaviour, horse riding, Horsemanship, horses, Instructor, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Parelli Program
A calm, confident and safe horse to ride on the trail or take to an event, and the confidence in their own natural horsemanship to match. A wonderful and fulfilling experience for both horse and rider. Your goal is attainable through the study of, many...
Apr 29, 2019 | Horse behaviour, Horsemanship, horses, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Parelli Program
Four minutes of horsemanship wisdom with Neil!
Apr 1, 2019 | Horse behaviour, Horsemanship, horses, Neil Pye, Parelli, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Parelli Program
Enjoy, a five minute horsemanship injection in your day!