Neil Pye shares his thoughts on ‘How to become a Natural Leader for your horse’!
Enjoy Neil’s podcast and let us know thoughts!
Horse behaviour, Horsemanship, Instructor, Neil Pye, Parelli Centre Australia, Parelli Professional, Trailer Loading | 2 comments
Neil Pye shares his thoughts on ‘How to become a Natural Leader for your horse’!
Enjoy Neil’s podcast and let us know thoughts!
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How can you identify the ‘Giddy up, just a little bit” in ourselves? I think I know who I am, but my perception is different than my horses. I’m struggling to build a rapport, wondering what my horse thinks of me. Here comes that annoying human or uninteresting human or bossy human…who am I to him?
Allyson, great to hear from you, and good question. Are you able to give the Centre a call and we can help you. Our number here is 02 4630 9443 – Sam