+61 (0) 477 555 447

October – Level 1-2 Introductory Horsemanship Clinic

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

The introduction and learning how to look at life from your horse's perspective.  Then learn how to present yourself to your horse in such a way that you elicit his cooperation versus his flight and defense mechanisms. Invest time to  learn practical skills on how to understand your horse and why he does what he […]

November – The Rider Horsemanship BluePrint Clinic

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

Designed for dedicated students, do you have a plan to warm your horse up, get him connected and safe before you get on this back? Then have a plan after you mount, how to warm your horse up, your training program and then the cool down. This weekend is for horse lovers who are dedicated […]