+61 (0) 477 555 447

Forming the Partnership Part 1 – June 2017

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

Some people don't want to take years to build proficient skills with horses. They want it now! When you can totally immerse yourself, for a whole weekend, the change in your confidence and knowhow is profound. The focus is on being Savvy and Safe so you can start having real fun with your horse, which […]

Advancing your Foundation (RDA Raymond Terrace) – September 2017

RDA Raymond Terrace, NSW Irrawang Park, 3219 Pacific Hwy, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Some people don't want to take years to build proficient skills with horses. They want it now! When you can totally immerse yourself, for a whole weekend, the change in your confidence and know how is profound. The focus is on being Savvy and Safe so you can start having real fun with your horse, […]

Forming the Partnership Part 1 – October 2017

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

Some people don't want to take years to build proficient skills with horses. They want it now! When you can totally immerse yourself, for a whole weekend, the change in your confidence and knowhow is profound. The focus is on being Savvy and Safe so you can start having real fun with your horse, which […]

Forming the Partnership Part 1 – December 2017

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

Additional Clinic added!! Some people don't want to take years to build proficient skills with horses. They want it now! When you can totally immerse yourself, for a whole weekend, the change in your confidence and knowhow is profound. The focus is on being Savvy and Safe so you can start having real fun with […]

Forming the Partnership Part 1 – April 2018

Parelli Horsemanship Centre, Wilton 50 Lisa Road, Wilton, NSW, Australia

Some people don't want to take years to build proficient skills with horses. They want it now! When you can totally immerse yourself, for a whole weekend, the change in your confidence and knowhow is profound. The focus is on being Savvy and Safe so you can start having real fun with your horse, which […]