+61 (0) 477 555 447
Level 3 & beyond!  Arena to Trail Course, June 29 – July 3 2020

Level 3 & beyond! Arena to Trail Course, June 29 – July 3 2020

Trail riding is the ultimate freedom from the pressures of Life! Out there in the wondrous nature, you and your horse sharing a beautiful experience.  Learn the keys for calmness and confidence for both you and your horse, inside and outside of the arena. In this...
NEW Leadership in the Saddle Clinic, 18 &19 April 2020

NEW Leadership in the Saddle Clinic, 18 &19 April 2020

Freestyle Riding develops the horse’s mind because he has to think and respond to the rider’s seat rather than the reins. It also develops the riders skills because you have to learn how to balance without hanging on to the reins or gripping with your...