Trail riding is the ultimate freedom from the pressures of Life! Out there in the wondrous nature, you and your horse sharing a beautiful experience.
Learn the keys for calmness and confidence for both you and your horse, inside and outside of the arena. In this course you will learn how to keep your horse’s attention despite many distraction that can appear on the trail, i.e. weather, wind, bikes, and bush surprises etc.
Rideability….. How would you rate your horse’s ridebability?
Develop skills and strategies so that both you and your horse are safe in all situations, and develop your skills as a leader on the ground and in the saddle. Neil will take your horsemanship skills to the next level.
The consistency of week long or two week courses progresses your horsemanship at warped speed…. immerse yourself in the study of horsemanship and become the happy confident rider you have dreamed of being.
Fee includes;
Horse Pen for as many nights as necessary,
Lodge and Kitchen facilities.