The second instalment to our ‘Forming The Partnership’ clinics, you will start to explore and play with the purpose Games.
Learning more about how to read your horse, are they acting like a partner or a prey animal.
You will learn real time practical skills to fix common horse behavioural problems, ie trailer loading, handling feet, bridling, and standing still etc
This clinic is 50% ground work and 50% in the saddle.
These partnership clinics will open a whole new world of how you relate to horses. Understanding psychology and communication – versus – force, fear and bullying.
Students often join us for 2 or 3 of these clinics before moving onto Developing Harmony.
Clinic topics:
• Exploring the purpose Games 4-7
• Problem solving
• How to influence the horse from the saddle, direct, indirect reins and the 9 – step back up